Prof. Amedeo Amedei
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence
Amedeo Amedei (01/04/1971) is Associate Professor at the University of Florence, Department of Internal Medicine (MED / 46); from 2012 is the owner of "courses Applied Biology " and " Infectious Diseases " for the degree course in nursing. As for his duties he is currently in charge at the Department SOD Company Neuromuscoscheletrico University Hospital of Correggio urea test (breath test) for the detection of infection by Helicobacter pylori. As funding for research in recent years has received from the Ministry, private and university. At present his scientific work consists of: 127 publications in international journals, citations , Impact Points of 618.77, 7 chapters of books scientific , an international patent (WO / 2007/039451), communication 43 congresses scientific, present in 'editorial board of 51 scientific journals and reviewer for 45 international journals.
Research Interest
Colorectal Cancer, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Autoimmune diseases